Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It's Wednesday ...

the shambles the kitchen is still left in is testament to the fact that it's Wednesday.  Her eyes shift to the next range of shambles - laundry piles in various states of sorted, folded, and just piles.  Unfortunatley, that was from Tuesday.  And as for the dust gathering Christmas decorations - yeah, well - they were slowly making their pilgrimage to the isolated formal dining room table.  It will all be better with a glass of Quandry, a 'white table wine' complete with no other description to support the $25/bottle price.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Summary paragraph

People grab on to anything tangible, anything real to define themselves in a world of virtual reality and false pretense. In this reality, what you 'own' and who you pretend to be drives people to reach for things that aren't theirs in this quest for self-definition. It is in this world that a troubled young black woman abandoned by her mother at the age of six, and an aging Rabbi from the Bronx conflicted by the calling of his faith as he approaches the latter years of his generation spanning ministry find themselves intertwined in a mystifying adventure that will leave them both forever haunted with who they were meant to be unless they can overcome the barriers only they themselves control. That is, if they can manage to learn to trust each other and stay alive in the process.